Motag Living Museum

Imagine life in rural Philippines over a hundred years ago. What did they wear or eat? Where did they live? How did they entertain themselves?

Motag Living Museum weaves together the vivid stories of the nearly centenarian locals of Barangay Motag in mainland Malay and Boracay Island, rekindling their childhood memories. Picture sturdy bamboo huts painstakingly assembled using only rattan; clay pots bubbling over crackling firewood; and powerful carabaos plowing the field.

This cultural center is the first interactive living museum in the Philippines. “Step back in time and see the past come to life” is the slogan that serves as an invitation to embark on an immersive journey through a living time machine and experience local life before tourism and industrialization in Boracay and mainland Malay. The featured image depicts a family walking their carabao through an old picture frame, magically transforming from black and white to vivid color as they pass through. Visitors engage with ancient tools and techniques, like rice cultivation and carabao riding, forging a deeper connection with the past while enjoying on-the-spot local snacks and fresh coconut juice during the tour.

Beyond being a historical gem, Motag Living Museum is a community-driven initiative with a purpose. It aims to combat wealth disparity driven by Boracay's tourism success by offering permanent jobs to Motag families – spanning generations and preserving traditions. This empowers locals, including the elderly, to earn while educating tourists and revitalizing Motag's cultural identity and skills.

It's not your typical museum; Motag Living Museum is equally captivating for both foreign and domestic visitors. This unique experience offers a glimpse into the less seen, non-modernized aspects of Filipino daily life, making it a compelling and experiential visit for all.

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